
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Halloween asteroid to whiz by Earth: Super-fast mega 2015 TB45 to flyby Oct. 31 |

A massive Halloween asteroid will whiz by Earth in time for Trick-or-Treat, reported USA Today on Oct. 21. The super-fast, mega asteroid named 2015 TB45 will do a flyby past earth on Oct. 31. Scientists say asteroid 2015 TB145 will be traveling at "unusually" high speeds. The giant Halloween asteroid was discovered on Oct. 10 by the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System, said a report from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at NASA.  Halloween asteroid to whiz by Earth: Super-fast mega 2015 TB45 to flyby Oct. 31 |

Friday, October 16, 2015

Oregon Subway patron Jay Armstead got dead mouse on sandwich: Rodent sub, sir? |

Welcome to Subway, would you like to try the rodent sub, sir? No you don't care for mouse sandwich? Neither did Jay Armstead. His pal Matt Jones certainly wasn't jonesing for one either! But that's exactly what poor Oregon Subway patron Jay Armstead got: a dead mouse on his sandwich, said the Associated Press on Oct. 14. This was no fake "finger in Wendy's chili" hoax made up for lawsuit fodder. It happened while the server was making the food and they all saw it.Oregon Subway patron Jay Armstead got dead mouse on sandwich: Rodent sub, sir? |


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Burger King Halloween Whopper causes green poop: BK black buns trick or treat?

What to hear a scary story for Halloween? Burger King Halloween Whoppers make poop green. At least that's what some people

say that have tried BK's "black bun" burgers, reported CNN on Oct. 6. BK black burger eaters took to Twitter to announce the color of their stool. They registered their surprise at discovering green bowel movements after eating Burger King's Halloween Whopper using the hashtag #greenpoop. Perhaps #toomuchinformation might be better?  Burger King Halloween Whopper causes green poop: BK black buns trick or treat? |